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Natural remedies for anxiety:​
Hemp seed oil
Vitamin D

Healing benefits of music:​
Helps identify emotions
Improves memorisation
Influences creativity
Increases co-ordination
Develops engagement
Enhances intellect
Can help you relax

Different types of meditation:
Body scan
Breath awareness

Cher Myra is a Model/Performance Artist with a huge passion for mentoring. She grew up on a council estate. Her parents were initially married but she grew up in a single parent household from a very young age; where her Mother was both the care-giver & provider. When Cher moved to London in 2011, she wanted to aim as high as possible. She studied Dance, Social Work, Psychology & Sociology and then went on to graduate in Inclusive Performance. With all these implemented together, she decided she wanted to become a Mentor; inspiring others to chase their dreams regardless of their background, home situation or where they grew up. Many people grow up on a council estate and give up on their dreams, cling to addictions/crime or don't make it to adulthood. Cher wanted to be the exception and inspire others that anything is possible. Her Mother was her biggest inspiration as she was always reaching high heights. Before Cher was born her Mother started off as an athlete travelling and fulfilling her dreams. After having Cher (as her third child) she run her own dance business, took up photography, graduated from University, worked in a school and for various organisations. With their Afro-Caribbean heritage it was never a straight forward path and they both faced many obstacles/challenges, but they always kept going regardless. God was the biggest part of why Cher kept the faith, being raised in the church as a child allowed her to see nobody is perfect, but you can conquer so much through choosing love and embracing the gifts God gave you.
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